The increased production of solar power can transform low-income households in America. This is possible through the latest innovations and affordability of solar cells that will permit commercial production. In a Science Daily posts, claims of solar cells made from tin can make the technology cheaper and more adaptable. This is according to a paper […]
Make Your Roof Generate Power with Solar Shingles
Photovoltaic shingles are solar panels that resembles a conventional roofing material. They’re known to perform core task of generating electricity like any solar panels. Solar roof shingles are unique and popular renewable energy solutions, too. They are also long-lasting and produce maximum power output of up to thirty years. Size-wise, they are like traditional roof […]
Solar Energy Saves Lives
The World Health Organization (WHO) has revealed an interesting statistic about the dependence on fossil fuel power and human health. It’s said that millions worldwide have damaged health brought by fuel use for everyday activities. Smoke produced by fossil fuel can cause several heart and lung diseases. Thus, the shift to renewable energy can reduce […]
A Review on Transparent Solar Panels
Photovoltaic glass makes its way as the most cutting-edge solar panel technology. It promises a game changer in the expansion of solar power generation. This glass can generate electric power from anywhere they’re built on, whether on windows, roofs, or even on smartphones. There are many ways to deploy the transparent solar panels. From full-glass […]
Renewable Energy ROIs: Should Governments Invest in Solar or Hydro?
Renewable energy source has its benefits that any entity can take advantage. Everyone in the world can enjoy green energy without causing damage to the environment. These sources are on tight competition for private investment or government projects. With solar and hydro power, it is normal to wonder which is the best renewable energy source […]
COVID-19 Challenges Climate Change Goals in the US
The coronavirus disease, or COVID-19, has challenged the normal life in the US. Before this pandemic, climate change was a big issue for discussion. Now, with this public health crisis, this takes a back seat. Most states can’t meet their goals to end climate change this year. Public health and economic setbacks kept everyone aside […]
Ubiquitous Energy: Solar Panel on Your Windowpanes
Any homeowner wants to enjoy a home that allows natural light to illuminate their homes. That’s why most houses have taller windows that let it as much outdoor light as possible. But this is not the case during summertime. Cooling can offset AC costs and lets in more heat during this season. This is where […]
Is Solar Agriculture Able to Save the Modern Farming Industry?
Solar agriculture, by definition, is using solar panels to enhance farming capabilities. It also makes energy use and production more efficient. This is best seen in small-lot farms to offset electricity bills. Solar agriculture reduces fossil fuel consumption and provides continuous support to existing operations. Fraunhofer Institute in Germany released findings on their researches about […]